Baby Led Weaning Pancakes | The Children's Nutritionist (2024)

Pancakes have long been a favourite in our house and now my children are older they make their own!

Whether you prefer them sweet or savoury, you can’t go wrong by suggesting them as a weekend breakfast or as a mid afternoon snack.

You might be wondering when it’s OK for your baby to eat them especially if you’re following baby led weaning? In this blog I’ll take you through what you need to be aware of.

When can I give pancakes to my baby?

Pancakes are a great option right from the start of baby led weaning, which is usually around 6 months of age. They offer a variety of nutrients which I’ll talk about below and can be made more exciting and nutritious through the addition of tasty toppings or extra ingredients in the pancake batter.

Do pancakes contain allergens?

The three main ingredients in pancakes when using a traditional recipe are eggs, flour (which contains wheat) and milk, all of which are common allergens and you should introduce them individually first before combining them in a recipe like baby led weaning pancakes.

However, just because they are common allergens, it’s still incredibly rare to have an allergic reaction.

If a reaction does occur, don’t feed your baby any more of the food you suspect and consult a health professional such as your GP or health visitor.

Check out my blog on how to minimise the risk of food allergies in babies here or continue reading to find out how to pinpoint a reaction from these three ingredients.


Firstly, always choose British Red Lion stamped eggs as this is your safety and quality standard. Use both the white and the yolk.

Give your baby a small amount of eggs often mixed into a food they are already familiar with and make sure there are no other untested allergens offered for a couple of days so you can look out for any reaction that might happen. Gradually increase the amount of egg over the next few days until a normal portion size is achieved (1).

Wheat and milk

As with eggs, you’ll need to offer them in small amounts and individually, gradually increasing quantities and look out for a reaction (1).

Alternative ingredients for making pancakes

If your baby has shown a reaction to any of the ingredients in pancakes in the past and you’d like to find a recipe that avoids some of the traditional ingredients, there are plenty out there!I have listed some of the best at the bottom of this blog.

One popular dairy and wheat free way of making pancake batter is simply mashed banana and egg, which is a great way to make a baby led weaning pancake and provide your baby with some tasty flavours and nutrients although you do get a different texture!

Keep reading to find some fantastic pancake recipes at the bottom of this blog.

Are pancakes a choking risk?

If precautions are not taken, any food can be a choking hazard for babies (2).

Precautions to take to avoid choking when allowing your baby to eat pancakes during baby led weaning include (2):

  • Offering the pancakes in appropriate sizes

  • Ensure that your baby is sat in an upright position in a well supported high chair with a footrest.

  • Supervise your baby at all times while they are eating

Are there any pancake toppings or additions that babies must avoid?

Some popular toppings and additions to pancakes eaten by adults may not be suitable for your baby (3).

Here is a list of foods to avoid (3):

  • Salt and salty foods such as bacon

  • Sugar or syrups

  • Honey

  • Whole nuts or peanuts

  • Mould-ripened cheeses

Which toppings or additions are ok for babies to have with pancakes?

Pancakes are a great first food for babies as they are so versatile and can be topped with such a wide range of nutritious ingredients. You can also mix other ingredients into the basic recipe batter to add new flavours to the pancakes themselves.

For sweet pancakes, great options include Greek yoghurt, fruit or any of the 100% nut butters.

For savoury pancakes, why not try adding blended lentils and spinach to the batter before cooking?

There are some amazing recipes available below so be sure to check them out.

Basic pancake recipe

I have three top favourite recipes for pancakes on my website.

Here is the basic recipe.

And here are links to:

Baby Banana Pancakes

Vegan Banana Oat Pancakes

Top 12 pancake recipes that are suitable for babies

If you’re feeling slightly more adventurous, why not give some of these baby led weaning pancake recipes a try:

With thanks to Aiveen Connolly for her research into this blog.

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Baby Led Weaning Pancakes | The Children's Nutritionist (1)
Baby Led Weaning Pancakes | The Children's Nutritionist (2)

One Response

  1. I tried this recipe and it turned out really good. Thanks for the recipe.


Baby Led Weaning Pancakes | The Children's Nutritionist (2024)
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