Chore Chart to Build Self-Esteem {Free Printable} (2024)

Chore charts are a great way to teach your kids responsibility and grow their self-esteem. This free printable will help you do just that! Since kids have fun helping it’s a win-win for everyone.

Do you want to plan your time better and increase your daily productivity? I have a free printable weekly planner that can assist you in achieving this goal.

Chore Chart to Build Self-Esteem {Free Printable} (1)

I would love to keep you fully stocked with creative ideas, yummy recipes, fun crafts, and loads of free printables. Subscribe to Skip to my Lou to get new ideas delivered to your inbox. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for all my latest updates.

While you might hear a few moans, chores actually make kids feel capable and a valuable member of the family. Kids really do want help and will derive great satisfaction and pride when they complete a task and feel they are a valuable part of the family. Chores can be a great self-esteem builder.

I use to write chore lists and post them in an attempt to keep my kids focused on their chores. After trying that for a while I decided it was time to try something else to help keep them focussed. That’s when I created a printable chore chart. The best part about it is I can easily create a chore chart for each kid.

How Do I make a Printable chore chart?

Well, that is easy for me to answer. I have made it easy for you with this free printable chore chart you can download and print. In a matter of minutes, you will have your DIY chore chart.

This blank printable chore chart can get everyone helping out around the house. With it, you can create a chore system that works for the entire family. One of my favorite things about this chart is it covers daily chores, weekly chores, and monthly chores. It’s a super-easy way to assign age-appropriate chores.

When using the chore chart for kids have fun with it an put stickers on it as they finish a task. Stickers will help encourage them to get things done. They will also make them smile over what they’ve done.

Here is my free printable chore chart template to print for free! Just click on the download button below.

Chore Chart to Build Self-Esteem {Free Printable} (2)

Chore Chart Supplies

The most important thing you need is energetic family members ready to get things done. In addition you will need:

  • free printable chore chart pdf
  • black and white printer
  • white or colored 8-1/2″ x 11″ paper (your choice; affiliate link included)
  • pen to fill in the blanks (We all know who will have fun doing this.)

Reminder: To download PDF files you need Adobe Acrobat Reader. The free version is all you need.

Benefits of doing Chores

Besides increasing self-esteem and teaching responsibility doing chores teaches kids so much more. As a mom and teacher, I am all about teaching kids life skills. When kids help around the house they learn to clean, cook, and organize which they don’t learn at school.

They grow and develop with each task becoming more self-reliant. This boosts their sense of accomplishment and pride. Which in turn helps them to become better team players as well as increasing family bonds. When growing up I still remember bonding with my brothers, mom, and dad when doing house and yard work. Trust me I continue such bonding with my children.

When kids see a task through to completion they develop a strong work ethic that will carry them through life. It also teaches them respect for the things and people around them. These two traits are closely linked to developing planning skills, as well as, how to manage time. All of which takes us back to why chore charts are important.

Simply put, doing chores leads to good habits.

Other Planners and Chore chart Ideas

Has screen time become an issue at your house like mine? This chore chart works to swap household chores for screen time.

Here’s another option to plan out chores and other daily tasks you might like – Daily Schedule planner. Some might prefer this version for their family chore chart as it allows you to schedule specific time frames to complete a task.

Whichever version of the blank chore chart you choose you’ll find yourself becoming a more efficient chore chart maker. I find making lists and charts fun especially when it keeps things neat and in place and actually gets household tasks completes..

A Little SomeThing Extra

Got kids losing teeth? Kids love this free printable tooth fairy letter. It makes sending the tooth fairy very special.

I would love to keep you fully stocked with creative ideas, yummy recipes, fun crafts, and loads of free printables. Subscribe to Skip to my Lou to get new ideas delivered to your inbox. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for all my latest updates.

Chore Chart to Build Self-Esteem {Free Printable} (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.